Survey: Preaching Paul

(Note: this survey was part of my Summer 2012 study of Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Perspectives on Paul. Thanks to those who responded!)

Hi! If you are a current or former pastor, preacher, or minister in any Christian tradition, would you please consider responding to this ten-question survey?

As part of my summer project on Paul, I am exploring differences in how Paul and his letter to the Romans are seen from the perspective of various Christian traditions.

In addition to my library research, I’m hoping to include the perspective of folks who are or have been in the pulpit. The pulpit is a lot closer to the pews than the theological academy, and therefore has correspondingly larger influence upon and insight into the lived reality of the church.

As to the survey mechanics, I’m afraid they’re a little old-fashioned: rather than using one of the survey sites, I have just posted the questions here. I’ve disabled comments on this page to allow for confidential responses that are uninfluenced by each other, so in order to participate, simply

1. copy the questions into your email program
2. email your responses to me at gaudetetheology AT verizon DOT net.

I promise not to share your email address with anyone, or to use it for any other purpose.

If you are willing to participate, please respond by Thursday, 30 August so that I will have time to incorporate your responses into my paper.

Thanks for your time and help!

In this first section, please tell me a little about where you’re coming from:

1. In what Christian tradition(s) do you preach and/or minister?

2. When and where were you trained as a pastor/minister/preacher?

3. Does your congregation follow a lectionary? If so, which one, and how strictly?

Now, please tell me about Paul in your preaching and ministry, and in the life of your congregation:

4. What commentaries or other resources on Paul’s letter to the Romans do you like and use?

5. Roughly how often do you preach on a text from Romans, or from Paul’s other letters? How has Paul influenced your pastoral ministry generally?

6. How important is the idea of justification by faith in the lived experience of your congregations, either in preaching/worship or in daily Christian life? How does it show up?

The next three questions, concerning justification and
salvation, offer some common positions as multiple choice
options, but please expand/explain your answer however you like:

7. Is justification:
a) purely forensic/declaratory in nature? That is, is Christ’s righteousness is imputed, reckoned, credited to us even though we are still sinners?
or b) does it also actually transform the person?
or c) is it distinct from *but simultaneous with* such a transformation/regeneration?
or d) something else?

8. Once you are justified,
a) is this a once-for-all event?
or b) can you lose it through sin?
or c) something else?

9. Is an individual’s salvation
a) purely and entirely the work of God?
or b) do humans have to cooperate as well?
or c) do humans have to cooperate but it is only through God’s grace that they have the desire and ability to so cooperate?
or d) something else?

10. Anything else you’d like to add on justification, salvation, Romans, or Paul?

Thank you! I appreciate your help. Please tell me how I can acknowledge your assistance:

– How should I cite or acknowledge your responses in my paper? (Anonymity, pseudonymity, or real name are equally acceptable.)

– Would you like a copy of the paper when it is complete?

– May I post your responses on my blog (

If so, how would you like to be identified there? (Anonymity, pseudonymity, or real name are equally acceptable.) Is there a link you’d like me to include?

Thanks again, and may God bless your ministry!