(Few) Catholic Voices on #Ferguson

Since becoming aware of the Catholic Media Fail on Ferguson, I’ve been asking around and checking for related stories in the Catholic media and blogs that I’m aware of. This is all I’ve found. Did I miss anything? Please let me know.

I realize there is other big important Catholic news that has been going on this week, but this is embarrassing.

Visible Friday, 8/15:

Situating Ferguson in a larger conversation: What is Violence? Continuing the Conversation from New Wineskins to Ferguson to Gaza by Thomas Bushlack at Catholic Moral Theology

Primarily, but not exclusively, discussing the ethics of policing: Time for another paradigm shift in policing’ by Tobias Winright, SLU ethicist with previous experience in law enforcement, at The Christian Century. (HT @CatholicClimate for both these links)

— Updated to add a recommendation of Winright’s article from a Ferguson local:

Statement from PAX CHRISTI USA.

Sr. Mary Ann McGivern writes about the morning rally and evening NAACP meeting she attended, in Looking for answers in the shooting death of Michael Brown at the National Catholic Reporter.

US Catholic has a brief discussion in their Weekly roundup: Robin Williams, Ferguson, and Ebola | USCatholic.org.

Collection of existing Catholic resources on racism, presented in response to Ferguson, by the Ignatian Solidarity Network Resources for Ferguson: Racism Today is the Ultimate Evil in Our World. (HT Emily Edmondson)

Updated to add: A guest column posted on the Archdiocese of St. Louis website, dated 8/14.

Visible Saturday, 8/16:
@NCRonline reports on Across America, silent vigils in Michael Brown’s memory.

Monday, 8/18:
The Archbishop of St. Louis issues a letter urging prayer for peace and noting some resources available through Catholic Relief Services. (I cannot help but observe that if Archbishop Carlson had issued this letter over the weekend, it might have been read in churches on Sunday.)

Commonweal has a blog post on Ferguson & the Social Sin of Racism

USCatholic has a piece on the Aug 17 church rally and runs the same RNS piece on the nationwide vigils carried by NCR.

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